Medicinal Marmalade

Marmalade is highly medicinal super-food. Yes...that super sugary jam packs a powerful nutritional punch. Seville orange peels contain two anti inflammatory flavonoids naringin and naringenin that protect against endotoxin by inhibiting its growth in the intestine as well as reduce inflammation in the body. (Available in Ontario Jan - Mar)
Orange marmalade is delicious on sourdough toast, with cottage cheese, topped on yogurt, paired with parmesan cheese, a glaze for meat and even on its own!
Although a little bitterness is typical, you want to be sure to remove all of the white pith from the rind so the spread is not overwhelmingly so.
Thoroughly wash the oranges and lemon. Thinly slice oranges and lemon, removing seeds as you go. Stack the slices and quarter them. In a large non-reactive pot, combine citrus slices and water.

Raise heat and mixture to a boil. Add sugar to citrus mixture and mix until well combined. Let boil until mixture reaches 223ºF on a candy thermometer, about 30 minutes. Keep a close eye on the marmalade. The mixture should darken in color.

Here’s a little canning quick guide in case you need it:
Sterilize jars: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Use enough water to cover the jars without the water overflowing when cans are added. Meanwhile, wash jars and lids in hot soapy water. Carefully add cans, rings, and lids to the boiling water. Leave them to boil 10 minutes.
Transfer to a clean kitchen towel to dry. Keep the water at a simmer.
Fill jars: Do not overfill the jars. Leave a minimum of ¼ inch of head space. Make sure there are no air bubbles along the sides of the jar. Wipe the rims of the jars down with a clean cloth before capping and tightening rims.
Process jars: Carefully lower jars into the simmering water. Water should be an inch or two above the top of the canning jar. Leave the jars to simmer in the water for 15 minutes.
Remove jars to cool: Transfer the jars to a clean kitchen towel to cool. Let them sit for a day to completely cool. While cooling, your jars will start to pop and create a vacuum seal. Once they have cooled, test the seals by pressing down on the center of the jar lids. Any lids that spring back have not sealed. These jars should be placed in the refrigerator and eaten first.
How to Store
- If you did not sterilize and process the jars in a canner, the marmalade will keep in the refrigerator for four weeks.
- If the jars are processed in a water bath canner, they will be shelf-stable and will keep for up to a year, unopened.